RESIDENT EVIL:TUC is a great summery of the first 4 chapters and fills us in on what Wesker was up to all this time.

User Rating: 8 | Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles WII
Capcom took an interesting step in making their latest entry into the Resident Evil series by making it a light gun shooter. You'd think it wouldn't work out very well when this has been tried before for RE games and it only led to disappointment. But fear not Resident Evil fans this time around it works very well and is a lot of fun. It is essentially A summery of RE 0,1,3, and adds a whole new chapter that fallows Jill and Chris in 2003 (right before Resident Evil 4). For some reason it left out the 2 most notable games in the series RE 2 and Code Veronica X which was a big head stracher.

As far as the story line goes it is broken up into chapters and sub chapters. Each main chapter for example the first 1 which covers RE 0 has 3 main levels which sums up the game and 2 sub levels which fallows Albert Wesker and what he was up to at the time. These sub chapter are alot of fun because it fills in alot of unanswered questions but inturn creats even bigger ones. My only real beef with the story is that it slightly changes the event to get to the main events in the chapters but it is done very well and gives someone who is new to the francise a really good idea of whats been going on. To get through all of it it will probably take you about 25 hours is you plan on unlocking evenything which is pretty good. And it has some good replay value.

The light gun element to the game is one of its draws. You point the wiimote at the screen and you can kind of turn your head with the nunchuck joystick but for the most part you're on a rale. It's a simple point and shoot and zombies and bosses have week spots that are highlighted when aim at. With zombie its a head shot and a direct hit will result in an explosing head and a fountain and blood. With bosses it just does more damage. While playing you find Umbrella icons that you shoot and unlocks a file some of them are hidden clevery and finding all of then contributes to its replay value.

Graphics are a little under RE4's the monster look great and the cut scenes are prerendered and look very nice. But the environments can looks a little blochy. The really cool thing is almost everything is destructable. You'll actually get graded on how much other stuff you shoot on top of the monsters. My one real complaint is the soundtract some of it is good but on the other hand some of it is really cheesey and messes up the mood of the game.

All in all Resident Evil: The Umbrella Cronicles is a big "thank you" from Capcom. And I recomend this game to anyone who owns a wii and likes a good zombie killing spree!