While improved over umbrella chronicles it has been given dissapointing features.

User Rating: 8 | BioHazard: The Darkside Chronicles WII
Resident evil: The darkside chronicles is without a shadow of a doubt the best on rails shooter ive played before, combining the resident evil universe with fast paced arcade style shooter action.

The most notable new features are the apperances of the AI partner occasionally appearing inscreen and taking a couple of shots at some zombies, the appreance of using gold to pay for upgrades instead of stars earned by rank, and the soul crushing wavey camera that to my knowledge has never stayed still even when your character is!

Although it gives a sense of fear and panic in your character it is too over done and makes it difficult to hit your intended target (I.E a critical shot or a enviroment item). This affects you more often in a boss fight as hitting them in the right target to cancel their attack is pretty much the only strategy.

Weapon upgrades feel even more worth while with a bigger choice of what to upgrade, your handgun can now be upgraded which makes it more useful than you think as it can feel really powerfull. the weapons sadly dont vary much. Its pretty much 1 of each type ( I.E shotgun machine gun ect.)

Overall despite its short comings it is still a fantastic game that i reccomend to any resident evil fan or a shooter fan.