An excellent on-rails shooter with trademark Resident Evil atmosphere and story.

User Rating: 9 | BioHazard: The Darkside Chronicles WII
I'm one of the biggest RE fans anywhere. I enjoyed Umbrella Chronicles and had high hopes for Darkside. and I wasn't dissapointed. First off the story is awesome and for anybody that likes the series, revisiting locales and characters from RE 2 and Code Veronica was great. In order to accomodate for this game the stories from RE2 and CV were changed just a bit but not too much.

The presentation of the game is one of the best on the Wii. The graphics are by far the best I've seen on the Wii(especially the cinematics). It felt like I was looking at at X360 game. Character models have insane detail as well. Voice acting is ok as some of the dialogue can be silly at times but Paul Mercier(who voiced Leon in RE 4) returns and does an excellent job of voicing Leon again.

The game is surprisingly lengthy for an on-rails shooter. Replay value is also high. Now the camera has gotten a lot of criticism. Yes, the camera shakes a lot at times but 85-90% of the game is the standard camera. When the camera shakes its at a point of the game where shooting isn't necessary.

OVERALL: This is a fine Wii game with good length and an engaging story. The Boss fights are challenging and numerous and the camera isn't as troublesome as some would say. The best on-rails shooter for the wii and one of the best games on that system, period.