'd Like to have more missions than EVIL???? SUIGUE BUT NOT BEING THE BEST GAME OF THE YEAR YEAH WII

User Rating: 10 | BioHazard: The Darkside Chronicles WII
Well starting with the gamplay is better control the gameplay in the way of loading the weapon and makes a perfect convinación the perfect wiizapper

Well we go to but the story is based inportante before Resident Evil 4 leon and Krouser are as companions on a mission to South America where everything is related to the incident and what city Roccon clair and steve lived in code veronica

Inportante Another thing is that the game graphics have improved and that seeing them you will not believe it's a wii game ecenarios designs of this very well made and weapons, clothing. characters, enemies, ect ...

Here goes wrong, nothing is perfect so good I do not like as a fan of resident evil is that the story is much changed from that of the real game and it becomes a bit incongruous but I think so given that the game tries to show what was anvison of the creators of viruses and all Roccon dark city

Well if you're a fan of resident evil you will enjoy it way too jejejeje but who does not recommend them is quite entertaining and very good