Well...what to say. One of my favourite game franchises from one of my favourite production companys.

User Rating: 9.2 | Resident Evil Outbreak File #2 PS2
Resident Evil Outbreak, described by many to be a fantastic new face of survival horror, but File #2 on the other hand, is seen as a ..been there done that kinda thing. But for fans of the Outbreak series, and die-hard Resident Evil fans, Outbreak File#2 separates itself from the first Outbreak, by adding a few new cooler features, bug fixes, and more upgrades. Same as the first outbreak, you begin the game in control of 8, playable characters, which you must take through the rather short, but mildly entertaining journey of escaping the zombie infested streets, and then some, of Raccoon City. But this time around, when you pick partners in the offline version, how they behave towards your character and enemies is based on a system of, i like you, i dont mind you or i hate you, more or less. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. The AI is still quite frustrating, but there have been worse AI characters in the history of video games, and you really cant blame capcom for trying. Any true fan of the Resident Evil series will find the new upgrades pleasing, but anyone new to the series, or only played the Outbreak series, may find it awkward and hard to get used to, especially if they played other RPG's. But, the game, and every game for that fact, doesnt come without its ups and downs, and for Resident Evil Outbreak File #2, both are kinda easy to spot, the ones that matter anyways. First....the ups: Exciting gameplay, unlockable stuff, and attractive graphics, make File #2, a game worth playing over and over, and one of the first Resident Evil games to come with an online feature, for sure to please RE fans across the globe. The downs: Annoying AI characters and rather stubborn enemies makes the game tiring quite quickly. To the online feature, no real changes from offline gameplay, except the fact you can play with up to 3 other players in the same scenarios, as the same with File #1. But limited communication, besides pointless emotes from the characters themselves, but between players, there is no communication in-game. But in the chat lobby, you may text-chat with players, and also in game rooms. Other then limited communication, tons of lag, and limited gameplay alternatives, Resident Evil Outbreak File #2 is sure to be a RE fan pleaser, and also a First time RE goer pleaser. In the long run, Resident Evil Outbreak File #2 is a good game, worth the buy if you are into playing the same stuff over and over to unlock cool stuff.