Improves on the Original Outbreak formula, but it seems to have lost something along the way

User Rating: 7.5 | Resident Evil Outbreak File #2 PS2
I absolutely loved the original Outbreak and ate it up, and I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was to learn they were make Outbreak - File #2! I bought the game, after a long search for it, and was pleasantly pleased. It adds new things to the formula, like the ability to walk backwards while shooting - ANOTHER FIRST FOR RESIDENT EVIL! Now a lot of people criticize this game for the same reasons of the original and even more, people are comparing it to RE4. Stop comparing the two! Even though they both bear the RE name, RE4 is not Resident Evil at all. It ruined the entire formula. Outbreak was our last ray of hope, but Capcom decided to go with a shooter??????? and give in to the mainstream gamers. BOO CAPCOM! Anyways, Outbreak File 2 is a much better game than RE4 if you want the old school RE formula. It has you play as the same 8 characters from the first Outbreak, like Cindy the waitress, Kevin the cop and so on. The characters all have one new ability, along with their original ability from the first Outbreak. Kevin, while still keeping his all powerful gun from the first game, also comes with a clip for it at the start of each scenario. Cindy comes with a bandage to stop bleeding status on herself or any of her teammates. Now, Cindy can also pull her shouldered partner down with her when she ducks, so the partner won't get attacked either. The game is still the same length as the original, with only 5 scenarios, all beatable in about a half an hour. One of personal favorite scenarios actually takes place in the RPD only hours before Claire and Leon arrive in RE2, which is so awesome. In fact if you're playing as the cop Kevin in that scenario, in the final cutscene of the scenario, you can actually see Claire and Leon in the RPD car driving to the station AND you see how Marvin ended up wounded in the office. Once again awesome. Bottom line, if you liked the original Outbreak or have never played it, but you have played other RE games, you should like Outbreak File 2. I mean how couldn't you. There's zombie hyenas, a crazy man chasing you with an axe who WILL NOT DIE and he can't and even a zombie elephant. Yea, that's right. A zombie elephant. If you aren't already psyched to play the game based on the ZOMBIE ELEPHANT, then you are asking for way too much.