The second installment to the Resident Evil Outbreak series.

User Rating: 7 | Resident Evil Outbreak File #2 PS2
The second installment to the online Resident Evil Outbreak series. Problems in the original game return (slow load times and lack of keyboard or voice support.) Capcom added the ability to walk while shooting at the same time in this edition, but that's basically it. The sad fact about that is, this could have been a stellar game if Capcom would just add in voice or keyboard support, seeing as it's just overly difficult trying to coordinate with fellow players online with only a few canned phrases. However, that's not to say the game isn't good, because it is fun...but only if you're already of a fan of the Resident Evil series and can forgive the game it's flaws (most of which can be found in every Resident Evil game, minus RE4) So if you're a diehard Resident Evil fan, the fact that you can play along with three other people online is something you're sure to find much fun in. But for everyone else, it'd be a rental at best. NnyCW for Capcom City, now give me some ammo!