User Rating: 9.5 | Resident Evil 0 GC
This game answers so many question for all those RE fans! This "supposedly" takes place in the mansion that was the setting in RE1. This game is just great for any hard core gamer, RE fan, and anyone that is new to the series. To me this game was the hardest of the RE series.

You play as Rebecca Chambers a rookie to S.T.A.R.S that has landed in the forest with other S.T.A.R.S member in search of Billy Coen who is a wanted criminal for War Crimes. Rebecca then finds a train that is full of dead people. She then discovers that the people appear "undead". She then meets and works together with Billy to try to escape the nightmare that they have stepped into.

Overall they kept the game with there unique game play and camera angle's which at first is very frusterating but then you will get used to it. It is full of puzzle that you need to do to unlock & get weapons.

The monsters in the game are quite tough and each have there weaknesses for defeating them. The amount of weapons is quite fair and you will always run into a challenge every now and then.

You will be finding yourself going to the same spot over and over again but that really doesn't effect the amount of fun you will have in this game. Unfortunately the storage box for this game was taken out which i dont know why but it mean that you will be abondoning many thing throught out the game for the puzzle pieces and so. And your still stuck with ink ribbon in order to save your game. Im just sad that the game was pretty short and i really wish that there was more spoken about the nightmare going on.

The "co-op" in this game is pretty good it doesn't get in the way and is really helpful when you are under attack by monsters. Each of the players have there advantages and disadvantages. This game is almost flawless when it comes to RE games and I REALLY love this game you will wanna play it over and over again.

If you like RE games, hardcore games, or just like a challenge i TOTALLY recomend this game for you.