A very mediorce FPS even in 2001!

User Rating: 5.8 | Red Faction PS2
My buddy gave me this game for free, for no cost it's worth playing somewhat. RF has good qualities but really it's just a mediorce game. Ok first off the multiplayer is very very overated, sure you blow up walls but who really cares, and it's almost impossible to hit someone with the railgun as well. It's a good thing you can put bots on because if you couldn't the multiplayer would be useless because there is know multitap or online support. The single player has a very intriging story to it, so it's kind of worth playing and you can drive vehicles as well. But really it goes down hill from there. The graphics are exceptionally bad the character models look like there from Golden eye and perfect dark for N64!!! That's unacceptable for PS2 game. The game has some ok lighting and background effects though. The sound in the game is good but very average and not something to go crazy over. Probably the thing that brings this title down the most is the load times oh my god they are irritating I mean come on what other fps games have load times in levels, ridiculous! The save system also sucks because you have to save the game yourself, no checkpoints at all. In conclusion this game in overated and if were looking for a good fps, you won't find here. It's good thing they fixed the problems in the second one.