Seriously,this is the best FPS ever created for the PS2.

User Rating: 9.5 | Red Faction PS2
Red Faction can be called a great game,but I like to call it a superb game.Red Faction is one of the most top notch PS2 FPS games ever created,and it has an amazingly high replay value with its multiplayer.The multiplayer is the best I've ever played on the PS2 yet,the only problem,it doesn't go online,but you can still play with bots and friends.Its so fast paced and fun,offline is still great.Though graphically,the game isn't to impressive at all.But graphics don't ever stop a game from being amazing.The sound effects for the game are top of the line quality sound.Explosions and guns sound so cool,they really do pack a punch to the player.Speaking of guns,the game packs with it all of your favorite guns,like the shotgun,pistol,bazooka,and others.I don't know much about the story,I've barely scraped the surface of it,I've spent most of my time playing multiplayer.All I know,is that the main characters name is Parker,he travels to the mines on Mars to get away from earth,and ends up finding out the minors are being killed off by a plague,minors then join the Red Faction,they then resist the mining company who they believe created the plague.That's just a quick background of the story.Game play wise,you'll be running around killing anything in sight that is with the mining company.Seriously,if you can find Red Faction for a decent price,definitely pick it up,especially if you enjoy superb FPS games.