Westerns ARE coming back, lets see some more!

User Rating: 7 | Red Dead Revolver XBOX
This game looked initially pretty good! It looked like it had a lot of potential as a great adventure / rpg western. However, after playing the first few levels, I grew more disillusioned: The game was basically little more than a level-based arcade-style western. Don't get me wrong, I love the classic westerns, but I had the feeling that this game didn't quite deliver as good as it could have. It had that adventure game feel, but instead played as an arcade game: play a level, collect the rewards, go on a shopping spree. Over and over again. Not for me. I liked the atmosphere and the environment as displayed by the graphics. It had a definite dusty and rugged feel to it. Eventhough the graphics were a bit blocky, they didn't take away from the feel, rather it enhanced it in a peculiar way. The songtrack that went along with it was definately what made the game. It lent it its authentic western feel, and adventurous atmosphere. Sound was definatly of good or excellent quality, and directional sounds were good on the surround system. I wouldn't buy this game, and it wasn't especially captiviating, due to the lack in gameplay. However, I did like the feel and sound of the game aside from the gameplay, and would like to see something similar as an adventure / rpg game. Perhaps the westerns are on the rise again?