This game is the best Western Ever.

User Rating: 9.8 | Red Dead Revolver XBOX
Gameplay: This game is a great game. The Story mode is pretty decent. Your a guy named Red through most of the game. Red is a child in the first mission when his parents die. Red is part Indian and a bunch of Hicks kill his mom and dad ( Sniff Sniff ). The first like 3 missions are somewhat mission and tutorial. The Boss battles are hard. Dueling is great and when your down with a mission you go back to Brimstone. You can Buy Stuff at the Tailor, Gun smith, General strore, bank, and bar. There's a bar fight in one mission. Eventually you kill the people Relating to his mom and dad's deaths. Did I mention Red's a Bounty hunter.

Graphics: Good, but lots of blood comes from the enemies when you kill them. There faces up close are freaky.

Audio: Every type of Enemy has there own Catchphrase (Hispanics say "Die you stinking Burrito's. Clown's say you can't see me. The gun's Sound pretty good. The sound effects are excellent.

In other words get this game Cause Multiplayer rocks , and the story is great and There's like 28 missions. All can be very long with the Boss's Some boss's take one shot others take lots of health and ammo