One of the best side scrollers to date!

User Rating: 9 | Rayman PS
Rayman is a highly addictive game for ps. Although it is a 2D game you will be drawn into this game because its easy main screen interface and it simple controls which you can change if wanted to.

Graphics 9/10
Well its ps so it not incredibly mind blowing but for its time it is very good. The background reminded me of a cartoon with hte bright colours and childish themes. The main part where you walk on i sdone quite well it gives you plenty of parts to manouver on and many parts where you think " hmm if i jump down that hole is there going to be a cage of electoons?" Rayman is designed well to like if your standing still his hair will stay flat and if your running it will move.

Sound 8/10
The sound is more of a childish sort with splats bangs etc. you'll make a noise when you get hit which can be extremely annoying. But the little sound that comes up when you enter a secret area and a cage is in there. That can be extremely handy.

Controls 10/10
Theres not much to say arrow buttons, square for punch, circle for action (run, and weird face thing) R1 and L1 for crawl. How simple can it get.

Story 7/10
Not much really Mister Dark has stolen all Electoons from the world and placed them in cages. Now its up to you to Save them all. You go through a variety of places such as forests, swamps, mountains etc.

This is one of the best sidescrolling games out there. It may not be your sort so i advise you to rent first but if you can pick this game up for $10 i would definatly buy it.