reall underrated game

User Rating: 10 | Rayman PS
The "next generation" systems (Playstation and Sega Saturn) ushered in a new era. With their release, we saw a new type of game we had never seen before. Suddenly, we were able to move freely in 3-D and experience new worlds. Sadly, with this new era of gaming, we also witnessed the end of the genre that had, at one time, ruled the industry; we saw the death of the 2-D platformer. I grew up in the '80's with Mario and friends, and fell in love with the platformer. That is why I must recommend, with all of my heart, Rayman. This is, without a doubt in my mind, the best platform experience I have ever been a part of. I say this because when you play Rayman, you will become immersed in it. The graphics are superb and wonderfully colorful, and they definitely show the best of the dying tradition of hand-drawn, 2-dimensional characters. The control for this game is so tight that Rayman becomes one with you. The music and sound effects are also wonderful and are well-suited to this game's zany atmosphere. The level design is ingenious in this game and the challenge level is very high. It is very challenging, but it is also a game that you will want to experience again and again. I have to wonder why designers simply forgot about the 2-D genre, because with more games like Rayman, it could rule the industry once again. Buy this game and treat yourself to the finest 2-D experience ever created.