
User Rating: 7.5 | Rayman Origins X360
Rayman Origins gets gaming right in a profound way. Having played previous Rayman games made the reunion with this visual masterpiece all the more special. I wasn't sure what to expect from this game. When I played the demo on the Xbox Live Marketplace I found myself smiling and outright laughing at the ridiculous hilarity of the level designs. Finishing the demo I knew I had to get this game and give the real thing a spin. Right out of the box I found myself merrily running through the intricate levels, and being a perfectionist I felt the need to find all the collectibles the game had to offer. No small task. The game perfectly blends the tight controls you hope for in any game you pick up with a subtle difficulty that leaves you feeling a wave of accomplishment upon completing the levels. If the basic levels weren't challenging enough, you could try your luck at what could be considered the tricky levels for the more advanced gamer. These levels, which have you chasing a animated and fearful chest, require near perfection of movements through the level. With no checkpoint to be had, the players execution of movements must be good. Having cleared one of the levels on the first try only one in the 10 opportunities given, i found the master level that it unlocked a satisfying challenge to complete. The variety of gameplay may have been limited to the side scrolling 2D of old, but the crisp visual design and use of what could