rayman origins is a highly addictive game, this is the best platformer since....well since nothing...ITS THE BEST

User Rating: 10 | Rayman Origins X360
When you see Rayman Origins...
it cheers you up when your down, seeing the beautiful graphics and amazing style.

The Platforming is Amazing, it kicks the old 'Mario' in the butt 7 times, then it slaps his face and eats him, In Rayman your always having fun, there is never a let down to you when you play this game, i mean sure, you get frustrated when you are killed (which is a lot if your not a good Platformer) but seeing how they die...how they just blow up, it makes you burst out laughing, theres a bunch of ways to complete a lvl.

the game is complete randomness, i dare you to try getting through this game without bursting out laughing and jumping on the ground rolling around!

The graphics...*takes a cup of water*, *takes a long breath*, the graphics are beautiful, it is all hand drawn in Rayman Origins, its truly a magnificent piece of delicious platformingness smothered in beautiful music and graphics...(Did you think of a cake then?)

*goes to fridge to get cake*, *starts eating it*

the music of this game is beautiful, it makes playing the game a whole lot more fun with the funny sounding music in the background, all the music tracks match the game perfectly, its funny as hell.

the cooperative,
the coop is great in 2 player mode, you and your companion can find new easy (or hard) ways to complete each level with a laugh, 4 player however...is chaos, you struggle to focus on the character you are, but at the same time, you laugh about how crazy it is,

Rayman Origins has a LARGE variety of characters which you can choose from to be, you can be 'Rayman' obviously, and you can also be Raymans best blue friend 'Globox', you can also be a small character, the small guys can squeeze through some gaps in the levels, (so its good to have one on your team) theres also a 'Princess' you can unlock, the only girl in the game!

now say to yourself 'i am going to the nearest gameshop and im going to buy this game!'
and listen to what you said,

overall Rayman Origins deserves a huge rating...and that i gave it.
the perfect score for the perfect game, Rayman is an inspiration to gaming.