Rayman Origins is a great platformer that will warm your heart after the first level.

User Rating: 9 | Rayman Origins PC
This game brings us PC gamers a casual platformer unlike any we have seen, normally we get pretty hardcore, competitive platformers like Dustforce and Super Meat Boy due to the fact that we're PC, but this game lets us take a break from all that with a funny, beautiful environment that doesn't care about leaderboards, yet it's still there if you so desire.

Gameplay: The gameplay and movement flows seamlessly, there levels have a sense of momentum as you run your way through them. It doesn't matter if you play with a keyboard / mouse or a controller since the movement is digital anyway, not analog, giving anyone the choice without giving anyone the advantage. The controls are great for what they are, they don't perfect the digital movement like Dustforce does, but it controls better with digital than Super Meat Boy.

Graphics / Levels: The graphics are absolutely amazing, the art design is top notch and goes great with the game, and each level has something going on in the background and foreground that goes along with the amazing art design, and each level has something different, they're varied and fun, but don't mistake it for being easy, this game, while it isn't as hardcore as other games I mentioned before, the difficulty element is still there to those who are perfectionists, and challenge levels when you get a certain number of "stars" on the levels in a world (think of Super Mario) are especially challenging, but not too bad.

Should you pick up this game? Absolutely, it is a little pricey since it was put up as a full release on consoles for 50 bucks, but on PC we get a 20 dollar cut, bring it down to 30 dollars, which DEFINITELY makes this a grab on PC, Ubisoft has done a wonderful job with this game, especially since there's NO DRM on it, so those of you who hate the Ubisoft DRM, fret not, because it isn't there, and this is definitely a platformer everyone can enjoy.