Boros plays a really good Mario game, while playing as a feather.

User Rating: 7.5 | Rayman Origins WII
Boros here, and this might sound odd, but I always did love the Mario games. You know, before they decided to rip themselves off. The Mario 2D platformers were the staple of how they were done, but now that Mario has seemed to have stagnated into oblivion, a new sheriff has to take the 2D platformer. Enter Rayman with his new game, Rayman Origins, and gamers rejoiced and I cringed. You see, the old Rayman games always seemed to have a control issue where you seem to move very sluggishly, so I never liked the Rayman games, not including the Raving Rabbids spin off which I never played. However, maybe this new game would change my opinion, so I picked it up for $8 to see how it fared. Would it blow donkey dung, or exceed all expectations? Let's find out.

Much like Donkey Kong Country Returns, this is another new generation game that basically has no story. What the hell? I play games for story, usually, so why in the hell am I playing these games? Maybe it's a phase, or, more likely, there hasn't been many good story games to come out recently. Anyway, the story to Rayman Origins is Rayman and his buddies are sleeping, but they're snoring too loud, and disturbing the evil underneath their tree, so the evil decides to try to destroy the world... They aren't trying either. I'll admit that Rayman has more story than DKCR, because Rayman actually has a twist in it. Not much of one, but considering my mindset at the time was "Awesome platforming!" The fact that any story at all penetrated my skull is impressive.

The gameplay is this game's stong suit. "Awesome platforming" wasn't kidding. In the later levels, the platforming gets nuts! Running upside down on falling ceiling tiles into tight windows that close up as quickly as the platforms are falling. It's nuts!! There's also a little puzzle solving, but nothing worth mentioning unless your head recently caved in. BUT, remember when I said that the old Rayman games had sluggish problems? While this game doesn't have that problem, it does have another problem, and that's the fact that Rayman floats with every jump he makes. Simular to Luigi in Super Mario Bros. 2 (the fake one), but while Luigi could jump so high, he could basically cheat, in Rayman, he jumps no higher than Mario, so it feels incredably akward. This is the only real problem with the game, but it becomes a reoccuring issue that niggles at you until you puke. Especially in the later levels when tight quick precision platforming is neccesary. It's like trying to drop a feather onto a dime from the top of the empire state building.

There are also vehicle-ish sections in the game. I say that because they're not vehicles, they're animals, like a dragonfly that shoots... pollen?? Hell, I don't know. Ask the baked minds of the writers. Anyway, these vehicle sections are one HELL of alot more tolerable than the vehicle sections from Donkey Kong Country because not everything is a one hit kill! Don't get me wrong, it's still stupid gimmicky bulls#!t, but at least it's not DKC.

To sum up, this game is really fun, for the most part, and you might definitaly find it worth your time, but as for me, it's just ok. There's no story, there's stupid gimmicky bulls#!t, and you float like a damned air balloon, but the platforming is amazing. This is encouraging, but it's not quite there yet, and to answer my question from the beginning of the review. It ecceded all expectations, and this wasn't too much of a dissapointment. The only dissapointing thing about it is that it could've been so much more. This could've been a perfect platformer, but it's stuck in the relm of above average, which isn't a bad place to be, mind you, but I think Land of the Gods is a much better place. It's still good, though, so I'd recommend it to big fans of the 2D platformer.