One of the best platform games on PC, even if it's last good Rayman game.

User Rating: 9 | Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc PC
As a fan of the Rayman series, I just HAD to buy this game. Before I have read about it in my favorite PC magazine (it gave 9/10), so I wanted to try it. But it was better than I expected!

First of, the plot. I expected something like ,,your friend was kidnapped, go save him and then kick the bad guy in the groin''. But it turned out to be a very funny journey to help your friend, who ate the main antagonist. It's not easy, as the bad guy, Andre, doesn't want to get ouf of Globox. In fact, he tries to take over Globox's body, so that Rayman can't punch him. Oh well, not that I want to spoil the fun... But you HAVE TO watch the videos with the doctors. They-are-awesome.

Okay, next is graphics. Everything is very intensive, characters are looking better than before - more polygons, colors and smiles ;d. Also the requirements are pretty low, so any PC or laptop can run it. 10/10 here.

Sound - the old-school levels on a flying skateboard have a disco music, colorful levels have a nice relaxing music and those darker episodes at the 60-75% of the game have a bit scary music. 9/10 this time, since the music can get boring after a while...

Controls - Unfortunately, the weakest part of the game. On a keyboard + mouse you can get confused - space for jumps/dodges, ctrl to target an enemy, left-click to attack... And you still have to control your character with WSAD. And the normal settings for options menu are really, REALLY screwed up. Thank God gamepad works well. With it, game is easier. So sorry, 6/10 because people expect to be able to play the game as well on keyboard as on a gamepad. When using one, 10/10.

Gameplay - Old-school and fun. There are boss fights, where you need to show your skill and reflexes along with a bit of intellect to defeat the enemy, platform jumps, fights with multiple enemies and fun levels, like crushing enemies with a giant battle mashine. And the enchanting cans are a good add-on, although some of them have their potential wasted, like the rocket or a car-shoe. Anyway, I don't think you'll be bored with the game. 9/10 here for another wasted idea of points. Because you usually have to repeat a level to get at least 90%. Good thing this is just for bonus movies. They are fun, yeah, but I guess they can be accessed from outside of game.

Rayman 3 deserves it's high score. It's a great game, and I don't think there will be such a great platform game in a while, not just Rayman game, but in overall.
Oh, and Rayman 2 is still a bit better. Just a bit, it's more old-school and more stereotypical platform game...