Not bad, but not a necissary game to have in your collection.

User Rating: 7.8 | Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc GC
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc is a fun game in many ways, though not the best if its series, it is a great game that many gamers can enjoy. If you liked the other Rayman games, you may be a bit disappointed with this one, but it is still a mildly enjoyable game. Gameplay: An average third person action adventure game is Rayman 3. It is fun to get a certain amount of points and getting bonus levels, which are somewhat like mini games. The unlockable mini games at some parts are more fun than the game itself. It is not the most difficult game out there by any means, and it also lacks certain length, but it does have strengths to cancel out its flaws, which are: -An interesting story: Globox, accidentally swallowing the Lord of the Dark Lums, causes are huge army of hoodlums to cause complete chaos in Rayman's universe. Rayman's world has exploded into complete cartoon mayhem. You, playing the role of Rayman must go to vast parts of the world where no limbless fellow has ever gone before, unlock new powers, and save the world from the hoodlums! -Fighting in this game is very fun. You can charge up your punches which are hurled at enemies from Rayman's limbless body. You can also angle your punches to throw them around corners. -The power ups in this game are pretty cool. You can get one for a certain amount of time and, depending on the power up, you can do anything from gliding to knocking down platforms. Graphics: Crisp, clean, pixel perfect, are not words I would use to describe the graphics in Rayman 3. Every once and a while you get a good looking cinematic, but as for the actual game it doesn't look amazing, but not very bad either. Nothing is really that great and most things are somewhat box-like but it does have its good moments when things look pretty good. Rayman himself looks pretty good, though the monsters do not. The graphics could be better but they are still decently good and add to the game, rather than take away from it. Sound: Nothing real special about the sound here. You really get used to it because it is pretty tedious and you don't even really hear it anymore. There is no need for sound where there isn't any and if your television was on mute you could play the game all the same. To specifically point out something I think the noise that it makes when you throw a punch at a bad guy sounds pretty cool, that is really the only thing I would miss if the sound was off on my television. Bottom Line: Any gamer who enjoys the Rayman series would like this game, though it does not match up to the rest of the franchise, it is a little on the short side, the graphics aren't great and the sound is redundant, but it is an enjoyable game to play when you are looking for time to kill. I would recommend Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc, to some gamers, but not all.