A spectacular space odyssey worth revisiting

User Rating: 10 | Ratchet & Clank PS2

If there's one word that best sums up Ratchet and Clank it would be "spectacular." The game doesn't lack in witty humor, and interesting characters. There are plenty of planets to explore and weapons to buy ranging from a Blaster, which fires much like a revolver, to the Glove of Doom, which releases about a dozen or so robotic maniacal minions that explode once they've reached your enemies; And the worlds vary from a Hawaii resort like setting to a gas-filled one where the use of an oxygen mask is required for obvious reasons. Also there are plenty of gadgets to buy from the vendor with titanium bolts you collect in the game; to name a few are the Swingshot, which gets you from point a to b, the hydrodisplacer, which both drains and fills a given space, and the Grind Boots. Once you've completed the game there's a strong incentive to play the game once more; why you might ask; You're given the privilege to have every single weapon and gadget at your disposal that you purchased throughout the entirety of the game once you start the space saga all over again.


Interesting characters

Witty humor

Varied gameplay

Deep story

Memorable music

High replay value