Even for casual fans of the series, this game should not be missed.

User Rating: 9.4 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
Ever since I saw the first one in a toys 'r' us newspaper catalog i knew i was going to love it. I got it the day it was released, beat it, did all of the extra side missions and reluctantly put it down when i had played everything it had to offer. The second one, not as good, but I did the same as the first. Now the third. The GS reviews of R&C have been dropping, but this is the best one yet. You start off watching a "Secret Agent Clank" episode which immediatly gets you into the spirit of the game. A news report breaks in and alerts you that your home planet, Veldin, is under attack. When you get there, it starts one of the new additions to this game. Free Falling. You jump out of your ship and have to dodge missles in ouder to get to the ground to help the "Galactic Rangers" who are basically a robot military, and immediatly appoint you as their new Seargant. As you progress through the mission, you find your old home (those that have played the first and second games will recognize it in a pile of rubble) which has been destroyed. Thus begins the adventure. The new bad guy is Dr. Nefarious, who is trying to get rid of all organic life and let robots rule the galaxy. You once again team up with Captain Qwark and some of your old buddies and assemble the "Q Force" There is much more to the game I will leave you to explore for yourself, but I will say this is by far the best and most complete Ratchet and Clank to date. I give it a 9.4, for even casual fans of the series, this game should not be missed.