User Rating: 9 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
okay so alot of us are familiar with ratchet and clank and the series and how they do the same basic stuff in each one, but ratchet and clank up your arsenal has broken that boardem into a truly exciting u play through the gameu get weapons and gadgets etc. but the a.i. in this game is fun and challenging for instance u might think ur safe in a corner where your out of sight and ready to snipe them out, fact is theres prbly a guy just above you on that ledge that you didnt notice. which in my opinion is definetly one of the most crucial parts of this game. this game always keeps the action going never stopping for a break or even a slow moment in cut scenes. my fav. in this game is the fact that u can sky dive extremly fun. so many weapons in sooooo little time there are 20 weapons but as the phease implies the game is short i've all ready beaten it 5 times in one week and i have a busy schedule. this game is definetly a must get.