The best ratchet game yet! (read review to see why)

User Rating: 10 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
The Ratchet games are very well made games. The first Ratchet, well made, the second Ratchet, once again well made. This one however, is better. In Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal you return to the Solona Galaxy to fend off an invasion on your home planet from a species of alien called the Tyrannoids. (sorry if i spelled it wrong i haven't played this for like a year). I'm not going to put in anymore spoilers considering I already told you the name of the aliens...(big deal). Anyway throughout the game you get wicked weapons and gadgets. The weapons on this game are bigger, better, and cooler then the other weapons on the other games. (in my opinion). Also, in this game you travel to many unique planets including some planets from the first adventure, Ratchet and Clank. Overall this game is a great game because it has 1, a deep and involving story. 2, great graphics and sounds. 3, it's not too short but not insanely long. And 4, because everyone likes turning their enemies into dust, or maybe just sheep. :)