Lo and behold! We have the definitive Ratchet and Clank!

User Rating: 9.5 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
Ratchet and Clank is one of those series' that just keeps giving, with great game after great game. This is the greatest of those great games.

The story is pretty good as normal. Ratchet and Clank are living an easily life when there is an enemy invasion in their home galaxy. Naturally they head of home to help and so on. It starts out basic but as you get further there are quite a few surprising twists.

This game has outstanding controls. There are no control flaws whatsoever. You can master the moves in a few minutes. The only flaw is the first person mode, which is built to annoy. The camera control is annoying and it isn't nearly as fast paced. Luckily, this mode is optional and third person is the default mode, so I won't take any points of for that.

There are also lots of small twists that keep the game feeling fresh. These include the Qwark vid-comics, Armour, Annihaltion Nation, and lots more. The only thing wrong is that there is no form of racing, and the grind boots aren't there any more.

Typically, there are lots of new guns, all of which can be levelled up to level 5 this time (and further when you beat the game)

I now come to the only major flaw. The insane difficulty. I can guarantee that most of you will come close to crying with the amount of enemies the game throws at you. The early levels aren't too bad, but later on it gets INSANE. A good example of this is Qwark's Hideout. Hardcore gamers should beat it eventually, it's just the game's slightly casual look might tempt less skilled gamers into this death trap.

+ Still manages to feel fresh
+ New guns add even more variety
+ Addictive Gameplay
+ Laugh out Loud sense of humour
+ Lots of new features, whilst keeping almost all of the old for fans
- Over-the-top difficulty may frustrate some

Overall Score- 9.5

This is easily the definitive Ratchet and Clank, with the original coming a close second, this may just be the greatest third person shooter ever.