This is one of the best adventures of R&C good game to play and great weapons as well!

User Rating: 9.5 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
Well this game is just awesome.
Great storyline and as i said great weapons. This is one of the best adventure of Ratchet and clank annd it has so many features then the other 2 games.

The good: Just about everything in the game.

The bad: Well the bad thing is, is that it is a bit simple to complete (100%) i found it really simple to clock it. But otherwise it is great.

If you are going to buy this game and you already have going commando then you should buy this game. But if do not have going commando you should buy that one first it really explains alot of number 3 and you kinda get the story line of UYA.
There are many new weapons but I myself have not played this game in a long time because i only borrowed it from my mate and i clocked very simple so i didnt have it for a long time. One of the new weapons is a plasma whip. It is like a whip but of course it has flaming plasma on the outside. So really its a rope which is on fire but never burns out.
This game also does stick a bit to close to going commando which really ruins the point of saying, "Ratchet and clank have new adventures every game" This right hbere lis a load of crap. Because this game sticks close to going commando. But anyways great game recommended to buy if you do have going commando it is still recommended even if you dont have going commando but it would be better with that game.

Thanks for reading and have great day.