Wash, rinse, REPEAT.

User Rating: 3 | Ratchet & Clank: Going Mobile MOBI
I'll be abandoning my traditional review format here to get to the point and over this game's review about as quickly as you'll finish this short, repetitive game.

The game has no personality from any of the main characters or supporting cast. How a game like the original Super Mario Brothers is still a blast to play we're reminded of with a game like Ratchet & Clank: Going Mobile. The weapons are unimpressive along with frustratingly notorious, unresponsive 'phone controls' to add to your frustration.

Sound is weak with minimal music. Again I ask you: How is the original Super Mario Brothers (circa 1985) better than this?!?!

Save your money. Or better yet, buy an old Ratchet game for PSOne or the PSP version to keep the franchise alive!!!

What It's Worth: I paid 6.99 to download the game onto my phone. I say crop 6 levels and make the game a teaser for the R&C franchise in general...on second thought...just never ever make a phone game based on a notable franchise full of life.