Ratchet and Clank are bored with everyday life.... but they won't be for long.

User Rating: 9 | Ratchet & Clank 2: Locked and Loaded PS2

Story Introduction:

Ratchet and Clank are busy " in a domestic sense," as Ratchet puts it, because of their new-found fame. But when they are hired by Megacorp's C.E.O., everything changes. They are hired to retrieve a stolen creature. First, they work their way through a bunch of haywire security robots with the Lancer (a new laser-blaster), and Ratchet's Omniwrench.

When they finally find the stolen creature.... well, let's just say something goes wrong and the creature is stolen... again.


Going Commando again puts you in control of the Lombax, Ratchet, and his metallic buddy, Clank. The combat is similar to the first game, but with a whole new array of weapons, and the option to upgrade and modify your weapons. Going Commando has epic space battles and races to earn bolts and stuff. It also lets you play as clank with the ability to control other robots.

Familiar characters such as The Plumber appear in this game. Other high lights are more humor and several plot twists.



Better than the first game.


James Arnold Taylor, the new voice of Ratchet, enhances the game. The sound-track is great-sounding.




Difficulty varies throughout the game.


Going Commando is a very fun game.


Buy or rent the original game and unlock all the weapons you can, because at a certain point in the game, it will give you the option to get some weapons from the first game, but only if you have Ratchet and Clank save data. Otherwise, you have to buy them.


A very enjoyable sequel to Ratchet and Clank.