I would have to agree with EVERY thing that gamespot says about this game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction PS3
Usually gamespot and I disagree with games. This is one though, that I will say in my opinion, that game spot got completely on par. There was no drag in effect for me in the game. I would play it for about a 30 mins and quit. It's not a bad game, not at all, but it's more just mediocre. I gave it a shot to try it out for myself, but this game is just "okay". I can see how others might really like it, because of it's very tight controls as gamespot says. There are many different weapon options and upgrades, but it's just not a platformer that kept my addicted. I'm glad I got it to try it out and play it, but I have so many other really good games to finish. This one didn't keep my addicted enough to want to play it for long.

My scores:
Graphics/sound are good for the time the game came out. 8/10
Story is just "okay" 7.5/10
Features: 6.5/10
Gameplay: 8/10

Overall: 7.5/10