Not worth the trouble of playing. The game is basically a glorified chat program.

User Rating: 3.6 | Ragnarok Online PC
I'v played this game for 2+ years... All I can say is I can't believe I wasted all that time. The last year I played I basically kept going so I can talk to some of my good friends on it...other than that I basically sat in town all day waiting for someone to walk by to talk to. The amount of people that even plays now is so low that it makes playing it useless. You don't get any feeling of accomplishment because there isn't that many people to show what you have done to. The people that do play, I would think maybe 50% or more of them bot their character or other characters. Anyway, the game is pointless to play at this stage of its life. The game is dieing slowly but surely. Ragnarok Online is just a big glorified chat program with sprites. The only thing this game really has going for it is the music. After playing for years there is maybe 3-4 out of the 80 or so MP3's that I have gotten really bored with.