just a wonderful game overall!

User Rating: 9.3 | Radiata Stories PS2
I would recommend this to any rpg fans out there. The gameplay itself is so flexible and there are very many characters to recruit in this game. when your about half way through this game you get to choose to be either on the side of the humans or the side of the non-humans. non-humans meaning elves, dwarfs, orcs, and Goblins. You could just spend hours on this game trying to get all the characters and getting through the story making it an overall fun experience to get through. Now about the plotline, its basically about a 16 year old named Jack Russel whose father was Cairn Russel the slayer of the water dragon. Jack is destined to take up his father's tradition, and become one of the loyal radiata knights! a little bit into the game you join the warrior's guild and thats when more of the story comes in and gets more interesting. the battle system is very easy to master! you get to have a total of three allies with you in your battle party as well. Another great thing with Jack is that he can use almost every weapon in the game except staffs. Making your weapon use a very open experience as well as the combos you can think up of. Another thing about the game is that it has a day and night thing going on the some of the Zelda games only this game's time is much slower. each and every person you run into will have a daily schedule that they run through as the 24 hours go by. once your time reaches 12:00 AM everything starts over like starting over a movie. Also as the clock hits midnight all the monsters you killed will re spawn. This can get annoying if you really want to train and you already killed everything. Overall this game is just a wonderful gameplay and the plot isn't as good as the gameplay, but its still got a real solid plot. If you are looking for an rpg to spend time on the i would highly recommend this game