Very cool anime-like RPG

User Rating: 9.1 | Radiata Stories PS2
I found this game very fun. It is made by the same people who made the Star Ocean series. I thought this game is a lot better then the Star Ocean series tho. Game Play: Very good. Controls aren't bad, but I'd rather use X and Circle and Square to block rather then Circle and Square and X to block. You can also kick things and sometimes find items. You can also fight pretty much anyone by kicking them twice. Still, like Star Ocean, you enter little arena like areas to do your fighting. Graphics: Superb! Characters look like anime characters, but not being a fan of anime i can't really tell you for sure. I omly gave it a 9 instead of 10 because these arent the best graphics ever, but that are really good. Sound: Backround music is nothing special, but you won't go crazy hearing it over and over as it is quite calm and easily ignorable. You will, however, get sicks of hearing the same battlecries over and over from your fellow combatints. Menu sounds are pretty much the same thing like in any other Square-Enix game, just little beeps and boops. You'll find you money's worth in this game. There is always something new happening along the way. You're battles are kind of optional, just run past and enemy, but on a small trail they can easily catch you. Also every now and then there is a little humor, but it doesn't always make you laugh. Sometimes it seems like humor from Blues Clue, but then again you will laugh. I very much recommend picking this game up.