Blissful Shooter in a Box

User Rating: 9 | Quake II PC
Quake II is one of the original gems of PC gaming, if not just gaming itself. The graphics were pure gold for it's time (and really, they didn't age too bad). The soundtrack was killer. And the enemy types and guns were just huge. This is probably one of the best shooters to ever hit the scene and is still very much enjoyable to this day. The single player is incredible fun and can be played in co-op, much like all of the older id Software games. The game does have sort of the 'blue key' feel to some of the levels, but really, that added a bit to the game. Some may find that type of gameplay to be dated, but at least this makes a bit more sense rather just all doors being opened like today's games. Do aliens not have locks anymore? One of the coolest things about this game is having the a dead body attract flies to it (black pixels, to be exact) swarm bodies. It gives you a feel that there's stink in the game.

Multiplayer is amazing fun too, as it can host up to 64 players in arena style bliss. Using a service like Xfire of GameSpy, you can still play this game online and enjoy what many of us enjoyed years ago. There's still an active community and it's great to be able to tear it down, old skool, in this terrific game.

Verdict: Buy