How is the PC version of Puzzle Quest? Pretty great actually.

User Rating: 8.5 | Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords PC
I played the DS version through the entire quest with one character type (warrior) and thoroughly enjoyed the the basic RPG elements and surprisingly deep tactical gameplay of the "falling gem" board (basically the action of the this game is "bejeweled" on steriods).

The PC version is virtually identical to the DS version except that your spells and abilities now have a "cool-down" period of a few turns so that you or your enemy cant simply SPAM attacks at you. its a great addition to the gameplay and add even more strategy: "do I wait to freeze the enemy or freeze him now when I dont have a clear chance to do him damage?"

Its nice to have the gameboard on a big screen but generally the graphical effects are as subdued as they were in the posrtable DS version

Many folks have complained that the game cheats but the game developer has explained exactly why the enemy AI doesnt cheat. Basically, if you dont plan your moves the computer AI will and then it will beat you senseless with combos. I like the fact that this game plays a hard game.

The only real fault of PuzzleQuest is that yes you do have 4 character types to try out in the long quest mode, but the differences between the charcater-types arent that great, expecially in later stages of the quest when your heroes can change the whole gem board in one move. An excellent game if you dont mind thinking about your every move.