Amazing visuals, great driving mechanics, and very elaborate tracks make Pure a really fun experience.

User Rating: 9 | Pure X360
Disney takes racing to the next level with 'Pure', a wonderful mix of customization and beautiful looking environments. The graphics in the game look great and they are so rich with detail. The animations look very fluid and smooth as well.

In Pure, an ATV can be fully customized part-by-part from the ground up. New parts and upgrades can all be unlocked by completing races. If starting from scratch is not your thing, you can also choose to create a random ATV for either race or freestyle events.

The difficulty in Pure can be hard at times, but after a few upgrades and lots of practice on the tracks, the races become a lot easier to win. One reason for this is that most of the tracks, especially the longer ones, have short cuts. If you miss a short cut and most of the AI racers take it, you will probably find yourself losing up to four, five, even six places.

Overall, Pure is a great game to play and is also very nice looking. Pure is just pure fun.