Pure delvers the thrills, until you smash into the giant wall of difficulty

User Rating: 7 | Pure X360
I have given Pure a fair old whack these past couple of weeks and I must say it is an absolute hoot. It's a quad bike game, so as the activity in real life is very much a laugh I thought that the game would be a laid back affair with more focus on stunts than actual gameplay. Boy, was I wrong. First of all, this game is pretty difficult. It's safe to say it's the hardest racing game I've ever played. We've come a long way from Gran Turismo where I would just pile into every corner too late and end up winning by knocking everyone else out the way. You can't do this on Pure, everyone seems to be going so much faster than you it can end up frustrating. However, the achievements are aplenty and air on the generous side so I'll forgive it for now.

What I absolutely cannot forgive it for is that I'm only just half way through and I don't think I can advance any further due to the difficulty of the other opponents. The tricks are amazing to look at and the presentation on the whole is excellent but I'm afraid that no amount of modding my quad (or 'quadding' as I have just made up) will give me enough skill to get that first place. You make one mistake and your race is over, I just hope next time I do pick it up I have a little more patience...or the race leader has a terrible accident.

I understand that it can be pretty difficult to make a quad bike game that people take seriously but it's very rare from me to get stuck on a game where I can see no way of progressing. Maybe I'm just rubbish at it, but I've given Pure a fair old whack and still I end up almost throwing the controller out of the window. Multiplayer is fun for a while but then I just run into the same problem as it doesn't seem to be ranked. I was racing a Class A quad while I was tootling on along with the best quad I had which at that point was only a Class C, so you can guess what happened.

I'll give it another few hours to see if I can advance but I'm not holding out much hope. It's a great game, but only if you're great at it yourself.