Psychonauts-- Mediocre, Underappreciated Title or Gaming Masterpiece?

User Rating: 9.6 | Psychonauts XBOX
Psychonauts is one of those amazing games that comes out once every few years, although its unfortunate that not many were able to experience this game. The story revolves around a young boy with psychic powers named Raz who sneaks into a summer camp for "gifted" children and tries to become an elite psychic operative, or Psychonaut, before his parents come to pick him up. While there young Raz uncovers a dastardly plot that has many of the children there left brainless. Raz then sets out to achieve his dreams and save his friends. Well, I guess that would be the story in a nutshell. The story is actually really good. Somewhat kiddy but good.

Here I will go over my ratings.

Gameplay: 10
Gameplay gets a 10 because the game flows incredibly smoothly throughout every single stage of the game. Camera control is top notch and rarely ever a problem. Controlling Raz and all of his abilities makes this game really fun and easy.

Graphics: 9
I suppose that graphics would be the only downfall, if it can be called that, to this game. The graphics are very good, but the graphical style that was used in the game makes the graphics seem much worse than they really are.

Sound: 10
Sound is a definite plus for this game. The sound effects for your psychic powers all sound cool, and cartoony. The voice acting for the kids and all of the other players in the game are top notch, and the music for each stage of the game is very fitting and well-produced.

Value: 10
To beat this game it will take you at least 30 hours, if you get all of the things in the levels like you are supposed to. The puzzles in the game are nice and challenging. Once you have beaten it once, you just keep wanting to beat it again to look for little easter eggs and secrets which is also cool.

Overall: 9.5
Overall I would give this game a 9.5 because it is incredibly addicting, the gameplay, story, and sound are all top-notch, and there are enough cool little secrets to keep the casual gamer busy for hours. More experienced gamers will find this game very simple, but still a load of fun!