If you haven't played this game yet, then you are a fool and should be duly punished for your lack of tastes.

User Rating: 9.5 | Psychonauts PC
As I was shown this game by my friend on the PC version before Double Fine released it here in the UK and on DVD format, I realised that this game has potential.

The PC version definitely played out very well when you computer has a far superior specs. The colour usage is... well...colourful... It's bright, artistic, unique. Yes, unique. It was actually well done, well planned, and the scenery from a summer camp to insane minds of inmates, really adds a good touch. True to its title: Psychonauts.

The story is really original and unique. It's not often you come across a boy from the circus with a psychic ability and gatecrashes into a psychic summer camp and then later on saving the world. It's not everyday that you come across funny jokes, great voice acting and funny movies these days. Not only are the acting is great but the comdey intergrated in both the gameplay and the cinematics.

The gameplay was fair, the controls do work at least, but it was awkward to use a mouse and keyboard to be fair. The music was great, the enemies were fab as well as funny. There were some good boss fights and some hard ones but once you figure out the pattern and if your lucky, you might survive. You progress through areas earning merit badges that grant you certain abilities such as levitation and shooting etc. While you explore, you collect figments, tags and other mental stuff to rank up you level so that you can upgrade current skills, access further skills etc.

The extras weren't really that special in all fairness but overall gameplay does have its quirks. Like a government agent disguising himself as a housewife by holding a rolling pin, and quoting about pies. Now if you don't find that funny, then you don't have a sense of humour. This game is full of quirky sense of humour.

This game is truly a unique masterpiece and yet underappreciated.