I still don't know how to bend spoons with my mind.

User Rating: 8.5 | Psychonauts PS2
In my okami review I said I got my wii first...I sort of bent the truth alittle, much like psychonauts bend spoons with there minds. Truth is I got my ps2 first but I sort of broke it, so I was without a ps2 for awhile. Either way I was still annoyed that I couldn't play Okami....moving on. Tim Schafer is one of the best game developers when it comes to making classics. Psychonauts was no exception. The humour, the gameplay and the ability to play through a godzilla type of level, i wasn't surprised, I knew Tim would do it again but I was still amazed at it all.

Creating a story is hard at the best of times, yet somehow Tim Schafer can make stories about a summer camp dedicated to making psychic secret agents and a mexican grim reaper way back when he made Grim Fandango. That alone would make this game into a classic, not really it still needs gameplay to ba a game and yes it has gameplay. The gameplay I can some up in one word awesome. I could leave my review there and force you to buy this game but I think it would be best if I told you why to get it. Well besides the well written story filled with humour and goofiness there is great gameplay. You have your basic melee attack, your jump button and the like, but here is what makes it different three of your shoulder buttons are assigned to your mental arsenal. You can customise it any way you want and you will need to change it up a fair bit to solve the puzzles in game. Another great thing about the gameplay is that all the level are different, you go through the minds of your party feuled teacher, a madman and a lungfish (the best level I may add as I am a Godzilla fan). Ohhhhh god it was great to bad when the game was done it was done. I would have preffered to look around more once I finished but I couldn't, but other then that set back the game is rock solid.

Well I'm going to see if a can go bend a spoon Jamata.