A crazy adventure platformer with a style that more games are in need of.

User Rating: 8 | Psychonauts PS2
Find yourself in the role of Raz: a child psychic-telekinetic, that runs away from the circus to train in the arts of the mind. Raz is unintentionally thrown into uncovering a sinister plot when the brains of the other students start to go missing.

Each level takes place by entering the minds of the characters in the story, where you face the challenges they present whether they be conscious about it or not.

The Style - The look of the game is like a cross between Day of the Tentacle and a Tim Burton fairly tale. The characters are well stylized, and the environments are unique and detailed. It screams imagination.

The Characters - The character models are really good, the voice acting is great, and the some of the facial expressions of the lead character, Raz, are very telling.

Level Design - Each mind you enter is unmistakeably different from the others. Because the bulk of the game takes place inside the consciousness of others it leaves the worlds open to incredible architecture. The designers also did a great job of keeping the game-play interesting without having to resort to throwing in mini-games or racing levels. That can be fun, and I'm not putting down the games that do it, I'm just saying that this one excels at adding variety without changing the core game-play.

The Script - An incredibly well written story with lines that will have you laughing. Although the underlining plot of the outcast underdog coming through to save the day isn't something new, I found the way that it is delivered to you was quite original.

The Collecting - There's lots of things to collect. Arrow heads, psi-cards, figments, mental cob-webs. Many tasks to keep you busy while you're playing.

It's a real Platforming Adventure - So at first Pshychonauts comes off as your standard platformer. However as you get further into the game, you find yourself talking to lots of characters, puzzle solving, collecting items and then using them as you may have done in the old point & click adventure games. It a great combination, and is done very well.

The Camera - I don't know what it is, but it's such a common complaint amongst games, and platformers in particular. There are moments where you think that the developers intended the game to be played by psychics themselves, since there are often times where you can't see where you're going, or what's coming up behind you. Because the environments have lots of details and objects hanging around (which is great for the look), it's not uncommon to find the camera get stuck behind something like a tree at just the wrong time.

Controls - The controls are good, but not great. Sometimes you will find yourself having trouble aiming, locking on to targets, or breaking an animation string when needed.

Unfortunately when talking about platforming, the camera and the controls make a big difference. And although they're functional, they're just not refined, which takes away from some of the game's greatness.

A welcome experience for lovers of adventure and platforming! If you enjoy either, this game deserves a play through of this stylish and unique game.