To be honest this game sucks!

User Rating: 1.5 | Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy PS2
I found this game great fun to start with but after doing the training and a few of the levels it became pretty boring. The way they've done the co-op is so boring never mind dodgey, what happens if the one player is really good and the other isnt? you're going to get nowhere.
I enjoyed the psychic powers on this game but i only played it so i could be an arsonist. To be honest i would say this game isnt worth buying but if you can find a demo of the training then you should get that.
I don't really like the story line i think a lot more effort could have been put into it but besides its ok i guess but i wouldn't advise you to buy it especially on the PS2.
I haven't played it on the other platforms but i seriously doubt there would be much of a difference in the game play. I believe that this game has been given a higher mark then it should have got, it is overrated.
I will finish with this: Don't buy this game!