1st Impressions: Psi-Ops is a solid third person action game, with tons of sweet ways to kill

User Rating: 9.2 | Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy PS2
In 2004, there were two Psi powered action games. The first one was Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy by Midway. The second was Free Radical Design's Second Sight. Second Sight was a pretty good game, but Psi-Ops is better in almost every aspect. You play as Nick Scryer, a psi-ops agent that is captured, brainwashed and forced to join a mind controlled legon of soldiers under the command of a man known only as The General. Nick, with the help of a female companion, escapes from solitary confinement and sets out to save his squad from being mind controlled. Along the way, he discovers his psi powers again and uses them to his advantage. At first, the game plays like a typical dark third person action game, but once you start getting your psi powers, you'll have a lot of fun killing enemies in unique ways. What's more satisfying than throwing a dude up against a wall repeatedly, then making his head expload? NOTHiNG! Because of Psi-Ops' M rating, it can give gamers what they really want in a Psi-Ops game, and so far I have to say that it's a very good game, but it is hard to see where you are going...

Gameplay: Lot's of ways to kill an enemy using psi powers keep Psi-Ops from being a run of the mill action game.

Graphics: It looks solid, even on the PS2.

Sound: Could be better, but it doesn't ruin the game's atmosphere.

Value: I got this game for $10, so you really can't go too wrong there.

Final Thoughts: This is a very underrated game that deserves a sequel, and is a blast to play if you want to kill something. Insert the name of someone you hate, then make their head expload. What fun!