Best game ever made the things that you can do on it is amazing they should really make a sequal for ps2 or for ps3

User Rating: 10 | Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy PS2
The powers you can do on the game is insane. you pick things up whith mind, shoot fire, remote view, and many others. when i first started playing this game astonished of how good the game play was and the graphics but the best part is when you heave a person with mind to kill them or to just have fun with them. the training room is the coolist when you when you complete the first though. the big recking ball thing you can though around smashed through people and makes them explode. i play this game non stop. when it came out to now. so recomend this game to people who love a game like this. so i give it i million stars of achievment.