Psi-Ops should not have been this good, but the psychic powers make it a blast to play...

User Rating: 8.6 | Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy XBOX
I paid: $20
I would pay up to: $40
I can imagine that a developer working on Psi-Ops was told that there is no way that their game could be any good. After all, Psi-Ops appears to be so generic that it would get lost among established franchises like Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell. Fortunately, the overachieving developers at Midway didn't get the message. On the surface, there is absolutely nothing remarkable about Psi-Ops. You play as Nick Scryer, an undercover military operative, with amnesia of course, who's infiltrated an enemy base. You start off with some weak weapons, and need to sneak around and complete objectives given to you via comlink. Does any of this sound even remotely original?

Your basic skills also aren't really anything new. Like Sam Fisher or Solid Snake, Nick can crouch, flatten against walls, jump, climb ladders, shoot, etc. This gives you the basics that you'll need to get around, but again provide nothing new for you to do. When you're sneaking around the first few levels, Psi-Ops is pretty dull.

Once you get past the initial tedium, you'll discover that you've actually undergone treatments to have Nick's psychic abilities disabled in order to infiltrate the enemy. Now that you're inside, your powers and memory start coming back to you. This is where Psi-Ops gets good. In fact, it gets very good. Your handful of pychic abilities all provide you with the tools you'll need to devastate your enemies. You can set them on fire, burst their heads to refill your pychic meter, possess them, or simply throw them around like a rag doll. While each of the skills are useful, you'll definitely get the most mileage out of your telekinesis ability. It's great for solving puzzles or picking up objects to throw at your enemies (or just picking the enemy himself up). TK is also one of the coolest looking abilities I've seen in any type of game. Simply playing around with it is very fun. You'll get a lot of sick joy by using TK in innovative ways to slaughter your opponents.

Overall, the graphics have some nice features that add up to create a good looking game. The character models and environment graphics aren't remarkable in any way, but I was astounded at the framerate. Psi-Ops runs buttery smooth and didn't have any noticable framerate dips at all. l also could tell that the developers put a lot of love into designing the effects for each pyschic power. The visuals are right on and often very impressive, especially for telekinesis which I mentioned before. Character animation is impressive, too. When you release an enemy from possession, he'll scream "Get out of my head!" and hold his head like he has a massive migrane. Or, when you pick enemies up with TK, they may fire wildly at you to shake you off. Those animations gave the enemies a bit more personality and really added to the game. Dead enemies use the obligatory rag-doll physics, so playing around with dead bodies can be a bit of fun as well. The collection of these nice graphical elements add up to create a good visual presentation.

Psi-Ops is an oddity in gaming and shows how talented this development team is. They took the formula from dozens of identical "Third Person Tactical Shooters" and put such a great and unique twist on it that the game became something else entirely. While not the first game to introduce pyschic powers to the mix, Psi-Ops integrates them so well with the game and implements them so flawlessly that it's a game you shouldn't miss.