Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy is a great game, no doubt about it !!

User Rating: 8.5 | Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy PS2
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy is a great game, no doubt about it !! But it has it fault in some points !!

The GRAPHIC: It looks great, but not perfect !! The visual in the game is good, the characters are well made, the level details are good but there is some glitches in it !!

The SOUND/MUSIC: I think the sound could be better but they are not bad !! Explosion sounds great but gunfiring less great .. I didn't think that, the music was THAT good, but wasn't bad either, BUT the THEME song from COLD at the finish of the game was great, well done !!

The GAMEPLAY: The gameplay was allright, and it was fun using all of the Psi abillities but it was frustrating at some points !! My favourite Psi abillity is the Telekinises, because i love throwing bad guys around and off some ledges or in some firecanisters so he'll blow up and maybe some other bad guys who's nearby !! But all-in-all the gameplay was fun !!

These are my fav. number 1 is my most favourite and then it goes downwards, so number 5 is the least favourite !!

1, Telekinesis

2, Mind Control

3, Pyrokinesis

4, Mind Drain

5, Remote Viewing

6, Aura Viewing

Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy is a well made game with some nifty ideas and cool Psi abillities but it was challenging though, still i finished the game within 5 hours on NORMAL difficulty, so i think it's a rather short game witch is a bit disappointing, anyways, the story is interesting and acceptable, so, a great game !! The BOSS battles were rather EASY to deal with !! it was some of the leves that were a bit hard !! I recommend it to anyone who likes videogames or just to throw people around and have fun if you're bored and got nothing else to do !!