There is one word to describe [PROTOTYPE2] and that is amazing

User Rating: 10 | Prototype 2 X360
I loved the game the few things that disapointed me was still no multiplayer and alex was evil but i understand why he was bad but I prefer alex to james any day. that is the reason i went crazy getting the skin. I got the game 2 days ago it was so much fun. they should update it to make it multiplayer or add it in a DLC. the story messed with your mind and was very sad at points. The added power the bio bomb and the tendrils was awsome as weird and messed up as it sounds i love stringing people up in the streets, the bio bomb was way cool. Pack leader was by far the best ability i loved how you could have two enemies and be able to have brawlers on one and you on the other. and being able to put items back down, despite all the disapointment in a couple of things, the prototype series are by far the best xbox series ever made keep making them.