While not a perfect sequal. Prototype 2 is still a fun ride and a improvement over the first game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Prototype 2 X360
Story: Prototype 2 takes place two years after the events of the first game. Players assume the role of a new character, James Heller, an army Sergeant who is returning home from the war in Iraq. During his time over seas he keeps getting calls from his wife, telling him that the same virus that infected New York the first time is coming back and has already claimed millions of lives. When Heller returns to New York he finds out that his wife and his daughter are dead and blames Alex Mercer for their deaths. Heller then goes into the Red Zone to find him. Doing so Mercer infects Heller with the same virus, and in turn, gives Heller the same powers that he has. As the game begins Mercer claims that he is not responisble for the virus and that he wants to help James and that they have similar goals, but if you watch any of the trailers or previews you know what is going to go down. Like the first game the story is interesting enough where you won't get bored but it is nothing special. All these trailers and previews want you to care about the characters but in reality you don't care all that much (I cared more about them in this game, than the first but still). The story is pretty straight forward, however there are a few twists here and there that will catch you off guard. I will also say that the game is pretty funny for the most part, keep in mind there is a lot of cursing in this game. So the bottom line really is that the story is interesting and even funny at times, just don't expect it to blow you away.

Graphics: The graphics have most certainly seen improvement since the last game in most areas. Like the first game, the frame rate is fantastic because the amount of stuff happening on screen is just amazing some times and the game never slows down. The effects like the fire and explosions look a lot better than they did in the first game. The environments are much more detailed and there is now a weather system, and a night and day cycle. Each of the three different zones you travel to all look different from one another and help the game have more variety than the last game. The animations are nice and slick for the most part, the voice acting is well done, and the raw power is pretty good. Now what isn't so good, well there are a number of different flaws. First is like the first game, the draw distances still need work because things can pretty much pop up randomly. A lot of the consume animations are recycled from the last game and NYZ doesn't really look like New York all that much. Over all it is a big improvement over the last game.

Gameplay: Like the last game, the gameplay is probably the best part of the game, however for everything they added to the game, they took out something. What they added is a dodge system which makes fighting a lot easier and a hell of a lot more fun since enemies can't just keep killing you with cheap shots. There are a lot more enemies in this game to fight and all of which have different tactics and are fun to fight. The Tendrils are a new addition to the sequel and are pretty fun to use. You can still hijack helicopters and tanks, shape shift, throw large objects, and most of your other powers have returned. Now this is the section that people are going to like what they took out, or hate. First is that you can't buy any combos like in the first game, you map power A to one button and power B to another button.Press one button to do a light attack for that power or hold it down for a stronger attack, or press the other attack button to use your second power. You do have different types of moves you can use when you are in the air for example and come crashing down on top of your enemies. Some powers and abilities have been removed from the game and some have been added. You can upgrade your existing powers with mutations which can be found through out the game doing various different things. Now here are the things that I found to still be a problem. First off is that the side missions are still nothing really special and are pretty much boring for the most part. The bosses are still not that fun, however there is only really one. And the game is just not all that long. The game is jam packed with a lot of chaotic things to do and can be a fun ride for the most part.

The Verdict:

Story: 8 While nothing special, it is still entertaining and funny for the time it takes to beat the game.

Graphics: 8 A pretty big improvement over the last game, while still not flawless.

Gameplay: 8.5 A blast to play at times with the new added abilities, but some abilities are missed.

Enjoyment: 8.5 While not a perfect sequel, it is still a great improvement over the last game, and a fun ride.

Final Score: 8.25 (8.5)