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#1 xanisk89
Member since 2008 • 285 Posts

Lol I agree with all But worst of all......Rubbish RPG's that get people addictid. AKA. Runescapethejunkyarddog1

MMO's will always be addicting because it lets you escape your normal way of life...it's kind of why people also do drugs and drink. Though last time I checked...people play runescape because they can't afford something actually worthwhile like WoW.

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#2 xanisk89
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Everyone calling all the hardware out right now and the games "next gen". As far as it's concerned it is CURRENT GEN. The next gen will be the bigger black paper weight, the PS4 and the bigger white central heating unit the Xbox 720.
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#3 xanisk89
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Gonna go with SC IV
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#4 xanisk89
Member since 2008 • 285 Posts
Crysis and FarCry (the first one on the PC not the xbox crap) and Rainbow Six Vegas isn't too bad either.
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#5 xanisk89
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As long as they act mature I have no problem at all. Some of the best players Ihave ever played with have been kids. The problem I have with them, from a MMO perspective, is they spam chat bars and act immature. One of the biggest problems with WoW is how much of the population is around 12-15 years old, and most of them act extremely immature.

When playing Cobiggd4 I havent had that much of a problem with kids in there. When they start talking trash I really just ignore them, but I have a mucher bigger problem with them in MMOs.


that's a misconception..most who play WoW are teenagers between 14 and 18. There are also many adults that play but the most immature ones are really the ones closer to 18 rather than 12.

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#6 xanisk89
Member since 2008 • 285 Posts

*Disclaimer* Everyone's entitled to their own opinion so here's mine and I don't expect anyone to like or dislike what i have to say. If you don't think you can handle reading this or replying without typing in all caps then please...don't go any further.*Disclaimer*

Halo 3, CoD4, Bioshock, GTAIV and Assassins Creed. Five games released between 2007 and 2008 and man do I ever wish they weren't talked about by everyone and their Uncle's dog.

First up...Assasin's Creed. This really goes more for the reviewers than the gaming consumers as a whole. Why has this game gotten such good reviews for being an overall very repetitive and utterly boring game. The only thing that seems to keep me occasionally popping this in is because of the graphics and jumping from roof tops. They should have just made a free running game where you collect flags and probably would have seen better success. There's no excuse for the amount of reused content in that game especially since there were games before it that had waaay more to offer and didn't feature "Next gen" graphics.

Second, CoD4. I beat this game the first day I bought it. Call me crazy but I like single player and while it had perhaps a more action packed and cinematic feel to the last CoD games, I was still terribly disappointed that it was over so quickly. The other thing that truely bothered me was the AI and spawning system. It was using a terribly outdated "lets throw lots of guys at you" style spawning. If i kill 30 guys out of one small shack...I don't expect 30 more to come rushing out. If I kill a sniper in a lone tower I don't expect yet another identical sniper to pop back in there magically. Plus...why no ragdoll? Also to top it all off...weapons feel, for lack of a better term, Counter-Strike esque. Doesn't give a huge impression of realism there.

Of course the other thing people do instead of just single player is multiplayer where I found it was very....mediocre. Plethora of little kids yelling at eachother and spewing enough expletives to make even George Carlin cringe. Sure, that's what many multiplayer games have for their player base but instead of rewarding gameplay I get a recycled version of the old CoD multiplayer with a shiny "level up" system. No thanks....

Now this brings me to Halo 3. The one where we "Finish the fight" and while the fight was more fun than CoD4's Campain, it still left me wanting more. I bet this won't be the last big release of a Halo game. However, about the game itself, this did have very fun multiplayer that I occasionally still play with my friends at times but still wonder.....is this really all that big of a step forward? Sure the bells and whistles they added with recording is neat...if you're just that ego-tastic that you need to show people your latest headshot. Mostly though it just feels like halo 2.5, the .5 consisting of a slight update in graphics (but definitively not anything we haven't seen before) and some new maps. Oh and don't forget the equally sickening player base of young adolecent teenagers who love to swear and call people gay for sniping them. Oh the fun...(it's not really a fault of CoD4 or Halo 3 though but unfortunately it doesn't really make multiplayer that fun at times).

The fourth game I have not understood the praise it has gotten is Bioshock. What about this game is really all that revolutionary? Lots of powers mixed with some enhancements and very boring combat. That atmosphere may be fairly creepy but I just wasn't impressed by the dated gun-play...the fact you hit crap with a wrench (if i wanted to play Half Life or Opposing Force I would have done so) and already been done powers...except for bees. I was too bored to really even get past the first few moments of the game much less the whole thing.

The last game is a very interesting one...GTAIV. It's both a masterpiece and completely overrated. Lets face it...It's a bigger version of GTA3 with a number of features added from Vice City and San Andreas but less stuff to do than San Andreas and a physics engine with multiplayer. The replay value I would suppose is in the multiplayer but the single player game itself is really more of what we've come to expect from a GTA game with updated graphics. The controls are still fidgety though and you may find yourself sometimes going...wait....why is Niko doing that?? (mostly with the cover system) The driving has improved greatly though and that's one of the games high points as it should be. I mean...it's Grand Theft Auto...I'd hope the driving is at least manageable since you do a lot of it. The reason I say this is overrated though is because of the fact it's really just a prettier GTA 3. I enjoy this one and still play it however but I just find it's not as AMAZING as some have claimed.

Mostly though I don't mean to sit and critisize the most popular games released in a long time but it bears mentioning. I do play at least a little of each game I listed from time to time (Except CoD4 and Bioshock)...they're by no means bad games (that goes for CoD4 and Bioshock) but I just wonder what's up with all the hype surrounding them. It sorta takes the fun out of it when all anyone ever talks about is Halo3, GTAIV, CoD4 or Bioshock. Anyone notice they are all violent games by the way? It makes me wonder what a non-gamer thinks of most gamers when the highest profile games are all rated Mature for "Blood and Gore, partial nudity, suggestive themes" etc.

Oh and what other games do people find overrated? One that comes to mind might be World of Warcraft.

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#7 xanisk89
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anyway...on topic....The 360 version of GTAIV is really no different than the PS3 version. I do prefer things on the 360 because achievements seem to keep me playing a game I may not have played again after beating. However, that only applies to fairly mediocre games like (for me anyway) Halo 3. I suppose though if you weigh everything for the 360 vs. PS3 you may find it more enjoyable on the 360 just due to the fact there is a much larger base of players for multiplayer, as well as achievements that add to your Gamerscore.
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#8 xanisk89
Member since 2008 • 285 Posts

more funnerer


learn some grammar and how to spell kid...that's pathetic

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#9 xanisk89
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The metal gear series is known for really really really weird story and almost laughably long over the top talking cutscenes (lets talk in a flower garden!). I mean sure some of that stuff totally fits into anime but........er....well this isn't japan so you won't see as huge of a following as GTA did here in the states. I'm sure the game will be as good as the others. I played all three from the PSX to the PS2 versions and enjoyed them, so don't get me wrong but like the others there won't be HUGE sales but there will be a large following. The game won't fail but it won't be THE BEST thing ever.
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#10 xanisk89
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And now their only attack against the other consoles is

A. The Wii: WELL IT'S FOR LITTLE KIDS! (If they're really die-hard fans who don't like to just play a console for fun that is)

B. The 360: YEAH WELL LEAST THE PS3 DOESN'T HAVE THE RROD!!!! (thing is though...how many games except maybe CoD4 and GTA4 do PS3 owners really play much? I mean 360 owners have a lot of games to be playing and one would suspect the more you play your system the faster it'll...well die.)

Oh and by the way.....yes Microsoft is a stupid company and there's no excuse for the "RROD" but seriously....is that the ONLY thing PS3 owners can say to bash the 360?