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#1 wootasifwoot
Member since 2005 • 318 Posts


[QUOTE="DarthJohnova"]Well that's fair enough :) Whilst I see your point, I quite enjoy it myself, "If the milk is good" I believe is the saying...RyviusARC

Yeah, if it's your cup of tea, drink up. :P


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#2 wootasifwoot
Member since 2005 • 318 Posts


Sorry but I don't think someone who thinks XIII's VA is above trash can say it was all an "act" and expect me to sit here with a straight face. :lol:

Did you miss the part where I was calling you a troll oh... I don't know... since the first post? Like I and many peeps in this thread said, fail troll is fail.


So anyone who doesn't share your opinion on a voice performance isn't to be taken seriously? Okay. :roll:

If I'm a fail troll, why keep posting? You're only helping me out.

'Cause I like flaming. :)

I hope you didn't think I was insulting you for the sake of an argument. :lol:

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#3 wootasifwoot
Member since 2005 • 318 Posts


Yet for the life of him he can't figure out why sephiroth turns into a villian. Biggest F.A.I.L if I saw one.


Maybe if you'd take a step back and realize it was all an act... :|

Sorry but I don't think someone who thinks XIII's VA is above trash can say it was all an "act" and expect me to sit here with a straight face. :lol:

My entire OP was flimsy and almost comical. That so many people (yourself included) fell for it does show a well executed trolling.

Did you miss the part where I was calling you a troll oh... I don't know... since the first post? Like I and many peeps in this thread said, fail troll is fail.

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#4 wootasifwoot
Member since 2005 • 318 Posts


I thought I made it clear a few posts ago. :|

This thread is a ruse. I don't hate VII, I actually like it. I'm just trolling for the sake of trolling.


You need to take a class in trolling. This thread reeks of major FAIL.

demonstrate your trolling skills to us oh great one :|

I would say a 400 post thread about FF7 sucking when TC likes FF7 basically exudes a well executed troll.

Yet for the life of him he can't figure out why sephiroth turns into a villian. Biggest F.A.I.L if I saw one.

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#5 wootasifwoot
Member since 2005 • 318 Posts


VII gave you "options" that ended up being useless compared to Attack.

Yet you claim to have also used cure... wow, contradiction, YET AGAIN.


Since Cure is not a form of attacking, it isn't a contradiction. :?

Dude, stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

:facepalm: The option you're refering to obviously was talking about things like magic, items, etc. Which you claim to be useless compared to attack in terms of survivability and YET you claimed to have used cure to attain that victory dance at the end. Does that help you understand better?

Bleh, noob troll doesn't know how to read.

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#6 wootasifwoot
Member since 2005 • 318 Posts


Definately sad, on your part, that you're trying to sway away from it now that you've been caught on your contradiction... YET AGAIN.

YUHATIN' anime nerd?


Were it not for those anime nerds, FF wouldn't have exploded in terms of popularity.

Again, I'm not hating on them, I applaud them for bringing the series into the mainstream and goading Square into making more games in the series. They've long since entered milkage territory, but that's irrelevant.

Is that why you hate VII? Awwwww, you fat silly goose. I still don't know where you are getting your anime nerd fan following from seeing as how XIII is the one with the annoying over acted dialogue. :S

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#7 wootasifwoot
Member since 2005 • 318 Posts


How's that any less efficient than using cure with every character keeping in mind of VII's gameplay and keeping in mind when it was released? Only thing XIII's gameplay helps achieve is less envolvement with the gameplay. I mean, you like a game with the exact same gameplay (lost oddysy) that was released... 2 generations later? BLEH, keep trolling.


VII gave you "options" that ended up being useless compared to Attack. XIII gave you options that are absolutely necessary to achieve victory. There's the difference.

Lost Odyssey was the same. Options that are (for the most part) necessary, because the c!asses imposed on the characters prevent you from just Attack command-ing your way to victory.

Keep trolling? I thought it was blatantly obvious I was this entire time. :lol:

Yet you claim to have also used cure... wow, contradiction, YET AGAIN.

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#8 wootasifwoot
Member since 2005 • 318 Posts


[QUOTE="mmmwksil"]VII is an overrated pile of trash that shot to stardom on the backs of anime nerds.mmmwksil

-- I think this says different.

It shot to stardom on the backs of anime nerds. That is not entirely untrue. That isn't hating on them, and the fact that you're trying to twist it as such is just sad. :lol:

Definately sad, on your part, that you're trying to sway away from it now that you've been caught on your contradiction... YET AGAIN.

YUHATIN' anime nerd?

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#9 wootasifwoot
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Limit break "is" attack. You can't avoid activating limit at some point in this game, it is just "super" attack. Terrible reasoning. Every FF game can be reduced to attack with (attack ability) and heal with highest level cure spell. That's literally all you need for most of them in most instances. There are a couple battles where you have to use solely magic or do some arbitrary dumb strategy but its pretty rare.


Exactly. Which is why XIII's combat is better.

Switching paradigms to battle efficiently is a great way to keep combat varied and engrossing throughout.

Yes, it boils down to the same idea every fight (stagger first, kill after), but it's better than Attack Attack Attack Cure Attack Attack.

How's that any less efficient than using cure with every character keeping in mind of VII's gameplay and keeping in mind when it was released? Only thing XIII's gameplay helps achieve is less envolvement with the gameplay. I mean, you like a game with the exact same gameplay (lost oddysy) that was released... 2 generations later? BLEH, keep trolling.

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#10 wootasifwoot
Member since 2005 • 318 Posts


Nice contradiction. Another contrdiction: when you reach a limit break, you have to use it and since "magic" isn't a form of attack (according to you), neither is limit break. Haza... noob anime nerd troll.


Arguing technicalities. :lol:

Keep it up, I'm loving every minute of it.

Did you not start it? I showed you a vid of lost oddysy's gameplay where it was ALL physical based ATTACKS and magical based ATTACKS YET you argue they are different because in one icon it shows attack while the other magic? You're arguing technicalities. Wow, noob at arguing much?