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#1  Edited By WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

@Pedro said:
@wervenom said:

Go cry about some more statues.

Says the person who is crying about the success for this game. 🤣

Having a discussion isn't crying. Mentioning that it dropped 80% the second week after you were celebrating its record breaking success and then watching your meltdowns is crying.

I own the game and overall I enjoyed it despite it's bad narrative decisions. It's still a high quality product rarely seen in gaming.

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#2  Edited By WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts
@nepu7supastar7 said:


His death was believable though. And you can't say she woman-handled him and beat him to a pulp. It was literally made so that he had no chance to do anything. It might've looked cowardly but it wasn't meant to look like anything. Just revenge.

And in a story sense, it all came to full circle, didn't it? This is all from the bad choices he made in the past. And no matter how you look at it, it WAS a mistake. He basically abandoned his entire job just for this one little girl and we were supposed to believe that it was just because she grew on him. That wasn't exactly ideal either. Especially when he made his case that he was a loner who no longer had faith in people.

I mean the world is grounded in reality. I do think Neil wants you to sympathize with Abby and although I understand her motivations I still hate every character in her group. Even after playing her side of the story. Maybe that's just me but I doubt it.

Maybe what he did was a mistake but what he did was completely relatable to me. I guess that's why I found him to be such a likeable character.

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#3 WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts
@ocinom said:
@wervenom said:
@ocinom said:

Still Sold Millions, Still made a huge profit for Sony. We get it that there are many white fragile males here at SW but this is sad and pathetic to be honest.

What does race have to do with it? It honestly sounds like the mother ship beams down comments for you NPC's to repeat over and over again.

Another one

Go cry about some more statues.

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#4  Edited By WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

@goldenelementxl said:

@wervenom: Did you play MGS 2 or Halo 2? If you feel betrayed by the marketing of TLOU2, that's on you at this point...

I don't recall either of those games altering scenes in trailers though. That's the shit I have a problem with.

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#5 WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

@warmblur said:
@Sevenizz said:

Get woke, go broke. Looks good on em’.

They sold more then 4 million copies.

By lying their ass off.

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#6 WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

@ocinom said:

Still Sold Millions, Still made a huge profit for Sony. We get it that there are many white fragile males here at SW but this is sad and pathetic to be honest.

What does race have to do with it? It honestly sounds like the mother ship beams down comments for you NPC's to repeat over and over again.

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#7 WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

Already preordered.. looks awesome.

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#8 WeRVenom
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@BenjaminBanklin said:
@wervenom said:

Did you see Abby in any of the marketing? If they were so confident in their product why did they make you think it was a revenge story featuring Joel and Ellie( even adding Joel to trailers to make him appear in parts of the game hes not in).

Why am I forced to play half the game with a character that I ( nor most people) don't give a shit about. How of a sudden is a guy who survived the apocalypse for 25 years turn into someone who completely let's his guard down in front of 8 complete strangers. He was used as a cheap plot device for revenge and used in a shitty way at that. It's a little more then " but I hate teh women". !

They didn't want to reveal all their cards in the marketing. Too much of modern media tells you everything they're doing up front. People wanted this game to simply be another Joel/Ellie adventure? We did that once. Since we're in spoiler territory. He didn't just let his guard down, he helped a person out of a bad situation he thought he could trust. When it turns out he was prey. The events of the last game caught up to him so he really shouldn't be surprised by the retribution. Hell, he only survived in the last game due to Ellie's help. So he was never this invincible bad ass anyway.

Instead of being just another revenge tale, the story is looked at from two sides. Neither right, nor wrong. It's people letting revenge cloud their judgement. Abby lost her friends by involving them. Ellie repeatedly tempted fate by going after her eventually leaving her alone and disfigured. These aren't franchise characters, they're tragic figures in an apocalypse. This really should be a series where no one should be too attached to any one character since the stakes are so high.

It's one thing to reveal your cards it's another to just straight up lie.

I never said Joel was an invincible bad ass although he would certainly qualify as a bad ass. Nobody in TloU is invincible but Abby killed him in the most chicken shit way possible after he saved her ass twice!

Now if you want to argue they could do this walking dead style and follow different people that's one thing. But Neil Druckman acted as if he had no interest in that.

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#9 WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

@BenjaminBanklin said:
@wervenom said:

Pushing a certain character at the complete expense of the other? And then marketing the game in a way that was a complete lie. You don't understand how this would upset people?

Every game with women? Did Tombraider, Metroid, Horizon Zero Dawn , or Gears 5 get this kinda hate?

White knight all you want but don't act completely ignorant.

What do you mean pushing a character? Do you even know the context of the events of this game and why they're happening? There are no cut and dried heroes in the game. It's about the never ending cycle of revenge and the high human cost that comes with it. The people in this game are broken beyond repair. This series isn't about Joel, if that's what you're getting at.

Did you see Abby in any of the marketing? If they were so confident in their product why did they make you think it was a revenge story featuring Joel and Ellie( even adding Joel to trailers to make him appear in parts of the game hes not in).

Why am I forced to play half the game with a character that I ( nor most people) don't give a shit about. How of a sudden is a guy who survived the apocalypse for 25 years turn into someone who completely let's his guard down in front of 8 complete strangers. He was used as a cheap plot device for revenge and used in a shitty way at that. It's a little more then " but I hate teh women". !

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#10  Edited By WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

@BenjaminBanklin said:
@wervenom said:

Calling everyone who doesn't like it Alt right male gamers. You guys would be perfect game journalists.

Because it fits a certain political mold to be offended by this game and that's the peg that fits into that hole. What has the game done to make people offended by it? Now that I actually played through it, I looked up some of the supposedly egregious items people had with it, and they turned out to be bullshit. Now, in typical fashion, people chose to double down instead of admitting they were wrong.

I swear EVERY game that stars a woman is like a bug zapper for frail idiots.

Pushing a certain character at the complete expense of the other? And then marketing the game in a way that was a complete lie. You don't understand how this would upset people?

Every game with women? Did Tombraider, Metroid, Horizon Zero Dawn , or Gears 5 get this kinda hate?

White knight all you want but don't act completely ignorant.